Enjoy the articles you love without the commitment of a subscription.

With StreemPay never hit a paywall again. Instead just pay-as-you-read.

It’s affordable, flexible, and fair - the way you always wanted it to be.


Read without paying for the moon

Enjoy the articles you want when you want without subscribing to every publication, so you can pay for everything you actually read, not for everything you might read.


Bliss out on stress-free browsing

Enjoy frictionless reading with zero-click sign-in for all our supported sites, so you don’t have to juggle multiple accounts and passwords.


Support great journalism on your terms

Give journalists their due and read guilt-free knowing you support great content on a budget that works for you.


Give it a try. You won’t know how you lived without it!


What people are already saying

Simple & seamless

Pay-as-you-read instead of paying for access

Open any article for free and only pay as you start to scroll. No annoying micropayments to manage or e-wallets to pre-charge.

No commitment

Pay at the end of the month for exactly what you read. Didn't read anything? Don't pay anything.

Read for free

Unlock free reading once you reach a site’s payment limit, so you don’t need to worry about over spending.

Transparency & control

Get full visibility with your own dashboard

Keep tabs on your overall spending - and savings - from all the publications and articles you’ve enjoyed each month.

Set spending notifications

Send yourself automated alerts when you reach a certain total, either for a particular site or your whole account, so there are no surprises.

Track all your reading

Easily see what you’ve been reading each month, find past articles, and see which publishers you love the most!

Simplify your life

Keep your subscriptions to the sites you love.
For everything else, pay for what you read.


Some great questions…

What if I already have a subscription?

No problem! You can deactivate StreemPay for any sites where you already subscribe so you don’t end up paying extra.

How much is it to have a StreemPay account?

It’s free to have an account. Only pay for the content you read plus a credit card processing fee. If you don’t use it, you don’t pay anything.

How do I know how much an article costs before I buy it?

That’s the beauty of it - you don’t pay to access the article. Open any article for free and only pay for what you read. The cost of the article appears at the top of the page in the progress bar.

Have more questions? We have more answers!

Check out our FAQs.